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Lisa Martini

Lisa Martini

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Lisa Martini


Lisa's 50th Birthday Bash has a strictly 'no presents' policy.

At 50 I figure I don't actually need a lot. However, there are plenty of people that do.

Having lived in this area for over 20 years, I've come to appreciate the magnificent work and services offered to the needy, homeless and disenfranchised by St Kilda's Sacred Heart Mission. 

Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice.

Thanks so much for your support!

Much love 

Lisa xx

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Sacred Heart Mission

Every day of the year, Sacred Heart Mission assists hundreds of people who are experiencing homelessness or disadvantage to find shelter, food, care and support.

Sacred Heart Mission’s St Kilda Dining Hall provides a safe, welcoming space to share a meal. A place where people are not judged, and where they can reconnect with their community. Everyone is welcome at our table. We use a meal and the positive environment we foster to encourage people to seek support on their own terms.

The pandemic has made us change our dine-in service to takeaway only. But we are still focused on providing the much needed support, which comes with every meal.

A simple meal is the first step in improving lives, everyone is welcome at our table. It helps us build trust and a relationship with someone, which can:

  • Connect them back into their community;
  • Break down the barriers standing in their way when seeking help;
  • Support them in their recovery after experiencing significant trauma;
  • Start them on the path out of homelessness, for good.

Your support today will ensure the people we work with in our community can live the life that is defined by them.

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